Cottage Le Renard with Spa between Gérardmer and Colmar

Holiday rental

About this Holiday rental

Lovely Le Renard cottage facing nature with private spa on terrace. Unique flat-roof exterior design.

Warm, well-kept interior with quality materials. Living room with fully equipped kitchen. Bathroom with Italian shower. 1 bedroom with king-size beds 160x200. Baby equipment available: chair, bed, booster seat, shower seat and changing mat.

Terrace overlooking a pond. Quiet area.
Private parking and locked ski/bike room.
Socket for recharging electric vehicle (extra charge).

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Best features:

  • Private spa
  • The outer frame
  • Petit Cottage Cocooning

Address of the accommodation


Type of property : Chalet , individual, village
Type of accommodation : Neuf
Area : 20 m2
Lift (elevator) : Non
Number of rooms: 1
Bathroom : 1
Sleeps: 2 persons

Kitchen : Living room / kitchen
Living room: Oui
Baby equipment : Oui
Pets welcome : Non
Parking: Private parking
Closed bike room : Oui
Electric car :
Electric vehicle charging on site
Payment : CB, Cash, Transfer,


  • Sheets provided
  • Bathroom linen provided
  • Cleaning included


Chambre indépendante N°1 : 1 x 160 cm,


  • Television
  • Internet connection
  • Dishwasher
  • Refrigerator
  • Coffee maker
  • Microwave


  • Garden
  • Garden lounge
  • Terrace
  • Spa
  • Barbecue
  • Reservoir


Swimming pool : 15 km
Swim : 16 km
Fishing : 0 km
Golf : 15 km
Tennis : 5 km
Cross-country skiing : 18 km
Skiing : 17 km
Horse riding : 7 km
Shops : 3 km
Cities / Points : 15 km
Station : 15 km


145 €
by night

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  • Modern wood interior in the heart of Le Massif
  • Private spa
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