Charming Modern House with Private Garden and Barbecue

Holiday rental

About this Holiday rental

Charming Modern and Vintage Apartment in a Renovated ManorDiscover the charm of this apartment blending modern and vintage styles, located in a fully renovated and well-equipped manor. Enjoy all nearby amenities in the Allies neighborhood, just steps from tram E.

  • Modern and Welcoming Apartment:
    • Lovely balcony with views of La Bastille and Chamrousse
    • Free Wi-Fi
    • 135 cm large screen Smart TV
Ideal LocationLocated in the Allies neighborhood, our apartment is close to all amenities:
  • Transport: Tram E is just a short walk away
  • Stunning Views: Enjoy magnificent views of La Bastille and Chamrousse from the balcony
Additional Options
  • Parking: On-site parking available by reservation at 5 euros per night
Book now for a comfortable and convenient stay, where everything is designed for your well-being and enjoyment.

+ Contacter le propriétaire

Best features:

  • Wifi
  • view
  • tramway

Address of the accommodation


Type of property : Apartment , individual, terraced
Type of accommodation : Ancien
Area : 25 m2
Lift (elevator) : Non
Number of rooms: 1
Bathroom : 1
Sleeps: 2 persons

Kitchen : Living room / kitchen
Pets welcome : Non
Payment : Check, Cash, Transfer,


  • Sheets provided
  • Bathroom linen provided


Chambre indépendante N°1 : 1 x 140 cm,


  • Television
  • Internet connection
  • Combined-freezing
  • Coffee maker
  • Microwave
  • Air conditioner


  • Court
  • Garden
  • Garden lounge
  • Barbecue


Swimming pool : 2 km
Swim : 15 km
Golf : 15 km
Tennis : 5 km
Cross-country skiing : 30 km
Skiing : 30 km
Shops : 0.1 km
Cities / Points : 0.1 km
Station : 2 km
Thermes : 15 km


374 €
per week
Elisabeth Rubino MC
N° agrément 038MS000981

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Other properties

Holiday rental 2 personnes
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  • Grenoble
  • Isère

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